Music for Flourishing Schools
Music for Flourishing Schools provides tailored support and professional learning for school leaders and teachers striving to foster flourishing inclusive and creative communities, using music.

Drawing upon findings from the ARC Funded project "Building Schools Through The Arts"(described here,) the program is tailored to the needs of your school and is structured to promote sustainable outcomes.
In term one, we work with your own school community to tailor a program that suits your school needs.
In term two, we work weekly with up to four school staff in their classrooms and as a group to build teacher skills and foster classroom and community wellbeing.
In term three we consider how the program will be sustained in your school community.
Music for Flourishing Schools can be funded under the current Victorian School Mental Health Menu funding scheme under Music Therapy
For a plain language summary of Meg's PhD findings and links to key publications, please click here.
For a conversation about how Music for Flourishing Schools might look in your school context please get in touch.