Listen far and listen wide
It’s time for us to turn the tide
When it impacts day to day
Disabled people must lead the way
We want to share your voice
So we’re gonna make some noise
You’re the leaders of the future
We’ll listen to what you’ve got to say
(Free verse for disabled voices)
We want to share your voice
You deserve to have a choice
You’re the leaders of the future
We’ll listen to what you’ve got to say
So speak up, speak up in your own way
Together we will find a way
Speak up, speak up in your own way
Together we will find a way
Nothing about us without us x 4
Tuesday December 3 is International Day for People with Disabilities. The theme for the 2024 International Day of Persons with Disabilities is "Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future". Here is a simple anthem for the day you might like to use in sessions to amplify the voices (verbal, non-verbal, other) of the people you work with in an alternative format for celebration and/or advocacy. There's a verse of space for disabled voices, but please feel free to rewrite / change to further amplify these, including disabled RMT voices. The recording is rushed and I just broke a guitar, string but in the spirit of contributing what you can imperfectly posting anyway. Use as you wish but please don't share without participant consent of course.